Awesome Breastfeeding Benefits that Will Make You a Proud Mum

Breastfeeding benefits

Breastfeeding is old as human history itself. It has been the only source of nutrition for newborns for a long time. If due, for some reason, the mother cannot breastfeed her children, a wet nurse was found for feeding.

Breastfeeding benefits are enormous. Breastfeeding is the most suitable way to provide your baby with all the nutrition they need until they are fully grown.

Breast milk is the child’s only source of nutrition for the first six months of life. No other source of food is introduced in these six months.

Before diving into Breastfeeding benefits, let us look at how breast milk is formed and its components.

How is breastmilk formed?

The breast is a complex organ. It has fat tissues, milk-producing glands and ducts. After pregnancy, oxytocin is released when the baby suckles the breast. This oxytocin stimulates the milk-producing glands to secrete milk.

Why is Breast milk better than formula milk?

There is no alternative to breast milk for newborns. Breast milk evolves itself with the specific growing needs of a baby.

Whereas formula milk is fixed and does not contain proper nutrients for the baby’s growth and development.

Formula milk needs to be changed every six months, and benefits cannot be compared to the breastfeeding benefits.

Breast milk is specific to the baby’s developmental needs. Even the breast milk of two mothers does not match each other.

Composition of breast milk

Composition Of Breast Milk:

The breast milk first nursed to the baby is called “Colostrum” or “Foremilk”. The colostrum is a nature’s wonder and is packed with the essential nutrients needed for the newborn, and it proves its breastfeeding benefits.

The colostrum is yellow or golden and is concentrated in form. It contains a high quantity of:

  • Cholesterol
  • Protein
  • High levels of immunoglobulin A
  • Magnesium, Sodium and other minerals

High immunoglobulin A levels protect a baby’s developing tract from allergens and foreign germs.

After a few days, the colostrum turns white; this contains many living white cells and macrophages that boost the baby’s immune system.

As days further pass, this milk is transformed into mature breast milk, which is a perfect mixture of:

  • Proteins: Whey protein found in breast milk is easy to digest than formula milk. Taurine is present only in breast milk and not in cow milk. It helps in the development of brain tissues.
  • Fats: contains Omega 3 fatty acids, essential for brain development. Fats are low in colostrum milk and are high in mature milk. Therefore longer the baby is nursed higher the fat baby receives.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: These are present in a well-balanced quantity and are the best source for the infant.
  • Sugars: Breast milk contains around 30% more lactose than cow’s milk and is the primary energy source for newborns.
  • Immunity boosters: Active white blood cells and immunoglobulins are present, which help in providing immunity and defence from diseases to the newborns

Mature breast milk is an intelligent food as it promotes the baby’s rapidly developing brain development.

The above composition of breastmilk demonstrates breastfeeding benefits themselves.

Breastfeeding benefits for mother

Breastfeeding Benefits:

In addition to providing necessary nutrients for your baby, breastfeeding helps infants form healthier attachments and bonds with their mothers.

Breastfeeding benefits are not limited to the baby alone. It is also beneficial for the mother who is breastfeeding her baby. Following are some breastfeeding benefits for mother and baby;

Breastfeeding Benefits for Baby:

Increased Immunity:

As we read above, breast milk is rich in immunoglobulin A and active white blood cells, which are transferred from mother to baby and are not found in formula milk.

This helps the baby develop a strong immune system to protect from bacteria and viruses.

Low chances of Infections:

Studies show that babies whose mothers breastfeed have low ear infections and respiratory infections compared to formula-fed babies.

Enhanced Intelligence:

Breastfed babies show a high level of intelligence. They have high levels of DHA and Taurine in their blood which boost the brain and enhance its development.

Digestive System:

The digestive system is vital in body development during the early years of life. One of the breastfeeding benefits is that babies have a healthy gut. They have improved digestion, less constipation and colic.

Milk sourced from cows or formula milk causes these problems. The proteins present in these milk sources are not easily digested by the baby’s digestive system leading to digestive issues, lactose intolerance, colic and constipation.


Breastfeeding promotes natural weight gain and gaining more weight than formula-fed babies due to their improved health, digestive system and lower incidence of falling ill due to strong immunity.

Some other breastfeeding benefits which are confirmed by studies; are:

  • Reduced incidences of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
  • Reduced breast cancer risk in female babies who have been breastfed.
  • Promotes development of Jaw and facial features
  • Decreased risk of diarrhoea, UTI infections, Pneumonia, Spinal Meningitis, Decreased food allergies, Improved skin, and decreased incidence of eczema.
  • Lower incidences of developing of:
    • Type 1 and type 2 Diabetes.
    • Celiac Disease
    • Liver Disease
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Acute appendicitis

Breastfeeding Benefits for Mother:

Breastfeeding is beneficial for the baby alone, but it also has many benefits for the mother. Some of the breastfeeding benefits for mothers are;


Breastfeeding works as a natural contraceptive. The woman who breastfeeds for more than six months experiences a delay in their fertility cycle.

Weight Loss:

Breastfeeding is indeed exhausting, and it uses extra fats as a source of energy built during the pregnancy period. This helps in weight loss.

Mood Changes:

Oxytocin is released during breastfeeding. Oxytocin is a hormone which produces a calming and relaxed feeling.

The uterus size is shrunk during breastfeeding and returns to its original size.

Protection from osteoporosis

Financial Benefits:

Breastfeeding helps in saving a lot of money spent on purchasing formula milk.

Breast feeding

Breastfeeding benefits – Conclusion:

Breastfeeding is one of the most realistic and healthy things you can do for your baby, including yourself.

Breastfeeding has been shown to have many continuing benefits for your baby into adulthood.

So let us encourage breastfeeding to benefit our babies and the mothers who nurse them.

Let us realize it is an opportunity that we should enjoy every moment of it.